Saturday, August 15, 2009

Learn How To Play Drums

I love the drums! So much that I've been playing them for over 14 years now. I want to show people what opportunities drums have given me and not only that but show people how to play drums

For as long as I can remember I've always had a love for music and especially drums. I've always wondered how and why the music that I would listen to sounded that way, and why it made me feel the way I did. At the age of nine my brother had a roommate that played drums and I loved going over to there house and watch him practice and play with other players. 

I would hop on the drum set after he would be done and mess around on it trying to learn how to play the drums. It never really came that easy at first. Until he showed me a few tricks of the trade that made it easier and in turn made the drums more fun to play. Once I started learning how to play the drums better and better I soon grew attached and I have never looked back. 

Learning how to play the drums was one of the best things I could have done with my life. I want people to have the same opportunities that I have had all from learning how to play drums. It's not only a hobby of mine but its a profession and a never ending learning process. The best thing about learning how to play drums is the more I learn, the more I want to learn and, the more I want to learn the easier it is to learn. 

When learning how to play drums I would recommend looking for a cheap drum set. Something good enough to learn on. You don't want to spend to much money on one, because who knows is if 6 months you're going to hate it. Learning how to play drums means learning how to practice. Practice makes perfect they always say. And in the case of learning how to play drums its no different. 

Learning the how to practice will take some time to get your flow down. But you need to know how to practice because you will find that you'll not only get better faster, but you'll find better results in your playing. 

For more information on how to play drums. Visit this website: Bang The Drums Quickly

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