Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Here's some cool Star Wars stuff

Check this out. Pretty cooool!

via /Film by orfilms@gmail.com (slashfilm.com) on 8/25/09

Last year we posted a video which featured Ships and vehicles from Star Wars’ Galatic Empire composited  into San Francisco’s Fleet Week. And earlier this Summer you might remember we posted another video from Mike Horn which showed what would really happen if Darth Vader encountered Star Trek’s USS Enterprise (another video also set in San Francisco).

I was happy to discover that Horn has created a series of Star Wars inspired San Francisco photographs (perfect for your computer desktop background). I’m currently based in the Bay Area and who isn’t a fan of the wonderful picturesque views that almost every corner offers? And then you add the Galactic Empire into the mix…


You can download all of the photos on Horn’s Flickr account. If you’re logging in, you will have access to the super high resolution versions (3000×2000 pixels), which are perfect for your computer desktop background. I currently have the photo of the Star Destroyer flying over the Bay Bridge at dawn.


Cool Stuff is a daily feature of slashfilm.com. Know of any geekarific creations or cool products which should be featured on Cool Stuff? E-Mail us at orfilms@gmail.com.

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Posted via email from onlinedrumlessons's posterous

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