Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've found the cure to your temperamental throw offs!!

Have you ever tried to turn off the snare in the middle of a gig and your lame throw off just wont budge? Well, I've found the cure! Just wash it! I was fussing and fighting with my lame throw off. Taking it apart, looking at the parts, checking out how it all functions, yada yada yada... Then it just dawned on me to put it in a bowl of soap and hot water. Maybe that'll work? Im telling you, bolts of butter!

In case you don't know what a throw off is. It's the switch on the
snare drum that turns off and on the snare wire on the bottom of the snare drum. Though this may not be the "all cure" in every case, but its worth a shot. It just might make you think twice before spending $30 on a new one. -Dom

Posted via email from Dominic's posterous

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